Why Can’t – Lyrics

『Why Can’t』

Don’t follow me


If you’re gonna talk trash


Quit trying to even get close to me 

Don’t smile at me


If you’re gonna be switching up your sides


Then let me know in the first place


Alright we’ll pave the way for you


So get out of my way


We’ll even make your uneasiness go away


It’s all up to you

もう一度初心から やり直そう 

Let’s just get back to the place we started from 

もっと 生きやすくするために愛を

More love to make a better world for ourselves

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Now!

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Now!

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Now!

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Right Now!

Oh 君は Flawless

Oh baby you’re flawless


Yeah extra points for your defects 

皆 何かになりたくて

Everyone wants to be someone

踠いて 気がつけば

Struggling and wake up to see 


You’re stuck in someone else’s trap  

進むための Clashing

Clashing in order to improve yourself

争いとはまるで Different

Different from picking fights 


Deep inside everyone knows  


Let it be and we’re all disappearing suns 

Alright 繋ぎ直せるよ今なら

Alright we can piece it back together if we try now  

Alright 縦より横だなこれからは

Alright it’s all up to us from here on out now 

Alright Better late than never

Alright 抜け出そう今

Alright time to get out of here 

もう一度初心から やり直そう 

Let’s just get back to the place we started from 

もっと 生きやすくするために愛を

More love to make a better world for ourselves

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Now!

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Now!

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Now!

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Right Now!

Burnin’ 手遅れになる前に Realized

Burnin’ Realize before it’s way too late 

Burnin’ 関係ないって思ってる?君は

Burnin’ think it doesn’t affect you? 

Burnin’ 思い通りにならない最終回

Burnin’ last episode doesn’t go your way 

Burnin’ もっと日々に残すなよ後悔

Burnin don’t let regrets fill your days 

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Now!

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Now!

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Now!

Why Can’t Do It? Do It! Do It! Right Now!